Zebra Danios (scientific name: Danio rerio) are a species of small, freshwater fish that are popular in home aquariums and are widely used in scientific research.
Zebra Dani...
Siamese algae eaters (Crossocheilus oblongus) are a popular species of freshwater fish kept in aquariums for their algae-eating abilities. They are known for their effectiveness in helping to control ...
Christmas moss (Vesicularia montagnei) is a type of aquatic moss commonly used in freshwater aquariums due to its attractive, bright green color and its ability to thrive in various water conditions. ...
Freshwater angelfish (scientific name Pterophyllum) are striking and popular fish commonly kept in home aquariums. They belong to the cichlid family and are native to slow-moving rivers and swamps in ...
When you are just starting out in the hobby, I find its important to build some confidence before taking on some of the more challenging species in your home aquarium.
I've developed this guide to...
Its sometimes difficult to determine what fish you can house in the size of aquarium you have. Most fish have very specific requirements when it comes to space. I've compiled a list of fish based on t...
Water quality is so important to the health of your fish, it is important to understand what is coming out of your tap. If the fish you are looking to keep require parameters that are far outside what...
Species that are not native to your local area can be devastating to the ecosystem.
Abide by all of your local laws, and most importantly dispose of any livestock and plant materials properly.