
  1. You must be the owner of the article, and able to permit ADWaquatics to publish it. This includes any photos submitted as well.
  2. Your article must be free of hate speech, or offensive language. This will be entirely at our discretion, and you must agree to publish your article on our platform.
  3. You must have at least one photo in your submission that is free of copyright, or permission is granted for its use.
    (if you do not have a photo, but meet the other requirements, reach out to us – we might be able to help)
  4. You must agree to publish your article on our website free of charge. In turn, we will never charge money to a visitor to view your article. You will however be properly credited for your submission with a by-line.
  5. You may withdraw your consent to publish your article at any time in writing (or by email), and allow a reasonable amount of time for us to remove it from our site and cached pages (our cached pages expire in approximately 7 days).

I appreciate your interest in contributing to our website. If you have any questions, please contact me using our contact form, or by email at