Stocking Suggestions

Its sometimes difficult to determine what fish you can house in the size of aquarium you have. Most fish have very specific requirements when it comes to space. I’ve compiled a list of fish based on the minimum tank size needed to give them a good home. Remember to keep in mind how many total fish you have in your home ecosystem, and if the species get along with each other. Not all fish are meant to be in a community with other fish.

10G Tank Suggestions

Zebra Danio

Zebra Danio

White Cloud Mountain Minnow

White Cloud Mountain Minnow

Corydora Catfish (most species)

Corydora Catfish (most species)

20G Tank Suggestions

Siamese Algae Eater

Siamese Algae Eater

Angelfish (freshwater)

Angelfish (freshwater)

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